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Currency Converter Djiboutian Franc (DJF) and Swedish Krona (SEK)

This currency converter Djiboutian Franc and Swedish Krona uses exchange rates from 13.05.2024. Enter the amount in the text box Djiboutian Franc, which will be converted into the field Swedish Krona, or vice versa. Click on Djiboutian Franc or Swedish Krona, to convert this currency into all existing currencies.

Djiboutian Franc to Swedish Krona exchange rate for today:

1 DJF = 0.0609 SEK ▼ 0,2%

1 SEK = 16.4203 DJF

The information is current as of the date: 13.05.2024. The reverse exchange rate SEK/DJF

Conversion Djiboutian Franc to Swedish Krona, calculator:

History of the exchange rate DJF/SEK

13.05.2024 0.06085239 ▼ 0,3%
12.05.2024 0.06105146 ▼ 0,1%
11.05.2024 0.06112358 ▲ 0,1%
10.05.2024 0.06106175 ▼ 0,2%
09.05.2024 0.06121287 ▲ 0,1%
08.05.2024 0.06117392 ▲ 0,5%
07.05.2024 0.06088073
View History
Djiboutian Franc (DJF)
10 DJF 100 DJF 500 DJF 1,000 DJF 5,000 DJF 10,000 DJF
1 SEK 6 SEK 30 SEK 61 SEK 305 SEK 609 SEK
Swedish Krona (SEK)
1 SEK 10 SEK 50 SEK 100 SEK 500 SEK 1,000 SEK
16 DJF 164 DJF 821 DJF 1 642 DJF 8 210 DJF 16 420 DJF

Djiboutian Franc is the local currency in the following countries: Djibouti. Djiboutian Franc can also be denoted by DJF or ₣, Fdj. Banknote denominations used today: 1000, 2000, 5000, 10 000 DJF. Year when the currency was founded: N/A.

Swedish Krona is the local currency in the following countries: Sweden. Swedish Krona can also be denoted by SEK or kr. Banknote denominations used today: 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 SEK. Year when the currency was founded: N/A.

You learned how many Swedish kronor you will receive when converting to the francs of Djibouti? We hope that this information was useful to you.

Exchange rate Djiboutian Franc/Swedish Krona (DJF/SEK) is current on the date 13.05.2024.

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