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  5. Exchange rate Swazi Lilangeni (SZL)

Exchange rate converter for Swazi Lilangeni (SZL)

Enter the amount you want to convert in the box next to Swazi Lilangeni (SZL) and click on the Convert button. To see the cross-rate details, simply select the desired currency. Count how much Swazi Lilangeni in another currency you can exchange.

Convert Swazi Lilangeni (SZL) to other currencies

Swazi Lilangeni is the local currency in the following countries: Swaziland. Swazi Lilangeni can also be denoted by SZL or L, E. Banknote denominations used today: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 SZL. Year when the currency was founded: 1974.

Cross currency rates
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