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Currency Converter Thai Baht (THB) and Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark (BAM)

This currency converter Thai Baht and Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark uses exchange rates from 13.05.2024. Enter the amount in the text box Thai Baht, which will be converted into the field Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark, or vice versa. Click on Thai Baht or Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark, to convert this currency into all existing currencies.

Thai Baht to Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark exchange rate for today:

1 THB = 0.0493 BAM ▼ 0,4%

1 BAM = 20.2805 THB

The information is current as of the date: 13.05.2024. The reverse exchange rate BAM/THB

Conversion Thai Baht to Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark, calculator:

History of the exchange rate THB/BAM

13.05.2024 0.04934599 ▼ 0,3%
12.05.2024 0.04951120 ▲ 0,0%
11.05.2024 0.04949558 ▲ 0,2%
10.05.2024 0.04941322 ▲ 0,0%
09.05.2024 0.04939106 ▲ 0,3%
08.05.2024 0.04923302 ▼ 0,2%
07.05.2024 0.04931664
View History
Thai Baht (THB)
10 THB 100 THB 500 THB 1,000 THB 5,000 THB 10,000 THB
0 BAM 5 BAM 25 BAM 49 BAM 247 BAM 493 BAM
Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark (BAM)
1 BAM 10 BAM 50 BAM 100 BAM 500 BAM 1,000 BAM
20 THB 203 THB 1 014 THB 2 028 THB 10 140 THB 20 281 THB

Thai Baht is the local currency in the following countries: Thailand. Thai Baht can also be denoted by THB or ฿, B. Banknote denominations used today: 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 THB. Year when the currency was founded: 1928.

Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark is the local currency in the following countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark can also be denoted by BAM or KM. Banknote denominations used today: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 BAM. Year when the currency was founded: N/A.

You learned how many convertible stamps Bosnia and Herzegovina you will receive when converting to Thai baht? We hope that this information was useful to you.

Exchange rate Thai Baht/Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark (THB/BAM) is current on the date 13.05.2024.

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