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  5. Distance Dzhubga — Orenburg

Distance Dzhubga — Orenburg in km, route

Distance between Dzhubga, Krasnodar Krai, Russia and Orenburg, Orenburg Oblast, Russia, car route, difference in time.
Distance Distance +1 Cities, streets Postcode

Distance Dzhubga — Orenburg

  • Dzhubga Russia Point A 5.3K RUB
  • Orenburg Russia Point B 550.2K RUB
  • km miles Distance
  • 1 468 km
    881 miles Distance in a straight line
  • 2 hours 120 minutes Difference in time
  • RUB Russian Ruble (RUB) Official currency
  • ~ 21 hour 0.9 days Time by car
  • 1.7 hour 104 minutes Time on the plane
  • 4.4 hours 267 minutes Helicopter time
  • 19.6 hours 1174 minutes Train time
Exact time, Dzhubga and Orenburg
Dzhubga Russia 20 june14:56
Orenburg Russia 20 june16:56
Distance Dzhubga, Krasnodar Krai, Russia and Orenburg, Orenburg Oblast, Russia is about — 1 762 km (or 1 057 miles). And did you know that Dzhubga at 104 times less than Orenburg, and the difference in time between them is 2 hours. At the point of departure and destination, you can use the local currency — russian ruble.

To drive the distance Dzhubga Orenburg by car on the road, you don’t need to cross the border, automobile route will pass through the territory of Russia. We also calculated distance in a straight line, travel time by car, train, plane and helicopter. Move the slider with your mouse or swipe on your smartphone to view all the information on this route.
Route Dzhubga — Orenburg
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