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  7. Basle

Basle, Switzerland — weather by month

Weather in resort cities around the world, data for the past 5 years. Information includes daytime and nighttime temperatures, water temperature, rainfall, and day length. Convenient graphics and weather comparison in different resorts around the world.
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Basle — weather by month
The air temperature by month

These charts are based on weather information for the last 5 years. All values ​​are averaged. You can also look at the information for each month for the last 5 years and see how the weather in this region has changed — Basle on the map, Switzerland. Find out in which months it is best to relax when the season begins and when it ends.

The average maximum daily temperature — 24.7°C in August. Average maximum night temperature — 14.3°C in August.

The average minimum daily temperature — 4°C in January. The average minimum night temperature — 0.2°C in January.

Precipitation, mm

Maximum precipitation — 92.9 mm It was recorded in June. Minimum precipitation — 44.7 mm It was recorded in September.

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